Do Creatine Supplements Really Work?

When someone decides to embark on a physique transformation, inevitably they will inquire about the benefits of performance enhancing supplements to their cause Buy Phentermine. While there are many supplements available, I would like to explore one of the most popular bodybuilding supplements of the last 25 years; creatine monohydrate.

The real question is: do you need to use creatine supplements and do they really work? I assume most of you reading this article already know what creatine is so lets first look at what it does: Creatine monohydrate has become one of the most widely used bodybuilding supplements because many users of creatine claim a 5-12 pound gain of lean mass after only a couple of weeks of creatine use Phentermine results. It has also been reported to improve muscular strength and help weight lifters improve performance during weight training.

This occurs mainly when taken prior to exercise where creatine maximizes CP (creatine phosphate) stores to better regenerate ATP Weight Loss Injections. The muscles are then able to sustain more work at higher intensities with an increase in lactate threshold (less muscle burn and fatigue). By consuming creatine after exercise, it replenishes lost stores more quickly, and this enhances the ability to recover from exercise.